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New Membership

Today, with over 900 members, the North Carolina Government Finance Officers Association continues to work for a strong, professionally-oriented organization.

Active membership is open to all finance or accounting officers, whether elected or appointed, employed in any public jurisdiction of the State.

Associate membership is open to any other person who is interested in the principles and practices of governmental finance and who supports the purposes of the Association.

Association Support + Services

The Association continues to promote improvement in the methods of governmental financing, and encourages its members to follow the standards developed and recommended by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) of the United States and Canada, the Governmental Accounting Standard Board, the Department of the State Treasurer and other recognized authorities in the field of municipal administration.

The North Carolina Government Finance Officers Association recognizes the needs of its members for opportunities to become better informed of emerging new standards and policies within government finance.

It sponsors many professional programs in close cooperation with the North Carolina School of Government, North Carolina League of Municipalities, and the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners.

Throughout the years, program topics have addressed the profession's diversity. The nature, size, and scope of the organization is carefully considered when program topics are developed. Some of the programs have included Bond Ratings and Disclosure Regulations in Bond Sales, Financial Statements and Audit Reports, Budgeting for Small Governmental Units, and Accounting for Investment Earnings.

Also, a certification program for the Public Finance Officers has been formed.

Membership Benefits